Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grace Unrequited

From moment to moment in everyday life I forget what a blessed life I have and what an opportunity I have been given to give back to the world. As I sit here in my safe haven at school I forget about the people in my country who suffer for lack of food, shelter, and reprisentation. I forget that I was born priveledged enough to have the opportunity to educate myself. As I sleep through classes and neglect my education I slowly waste away my life and my numerous opportunities to give back to the world in thanks for my life. When I think of all the attrocities happening though out the world and how I daily learn to trivialize human lives so as not to have to ask myself the question; "Why do we let people, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters be raped, tortured, killed, or starved to nothingness!" Those of us who rise above life's pitfalls and begin to accomplish more than our peers strive not to uplift humanity but to entrench ourselves in our cultures of egocentric materialism. Something that scares me more than death is the thought that my life will be wasted in the pursuit of venality. More than my want of any material possesions I want to become a human being worthy of the gifts bestowed upon me. I don't mean to write this to trivialize the lives of others or disparage their pursuits but as a reflection of the feelings of inadequacy that plague me. I daily forget the value of my life as well as who I am; and many minutes I waste on this earth where my true self is replaced by a materialistic amnesiac who no longer remembers himself or his roots.

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